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COVID-19 UPDATE 3 FROM Chelsey Ammons, RN

We are approximately eight months into the pandemic that is COVID-19. At Care Advantage, regardless of how much time has passed, the safety and well-being of everyone remains top of mind.

We continue to analyze and assess our policies and procedures, adjusting and reinforcing when needed. We have certainly learned a lot over this past year, with one of the main things being how incredible this family truly is. Every single person on the team has been willing and adaptable, from our corporate team and office staff to our amazing frontline heroes in the field. Our initial approach and motto as it relates to COVID-19 was “calm cautious” and we have stuck by that this entire time. We cannot thank you all enough.

With that being said, we are aware that this has been a long eight months for nearly the entire world. “COVID fatigue” is real and we understand the exhaustion that can not only weigh a person down emotionally, but even physically. As we enter the coldest months of the year and a likely second surge of COVID-19 cases, we cannot afford to let our guard down. We must ensure we are washing our hands, wearing our masks, maintaining physical distancing, and following all the policies and procedures put into place to keep everyone involved safe. Below are some tips to help you cope with “COVID fatigue” and stress in general so that you can remain diligent in your efforts:

Is one of the best ways to release the energy that can build up inside of you from anxiety and fear. The endorphins that are released during physical activity make you feel better and help you to avoid making mistakes or letting your negative emotions get the best of you. You do not have to join a gym to get exercise. You can take a walk around your neighborhood or local park, play outdoors with friends or family, park further away from the entrance at the grocery store, watch an online exercise video to do at home, or take the steps instead of the elevator. Small changes can have a big impact.

By sharing how you are feeling. You can do this through talking, journaling, playing an instrument, singing, or any means of release. Do not keep your emotions bottled inside.

Be sure to stay in touch with friends and family by utilizing virtual means such as Facetime or Zoom. It is especially important to continue to feel connected with our loved ones.

During these times it is important to stay informed but deluging yourself with information can be harmful and can increase your anxiety and stress. Social media can easily spread misinformation, so be especially mindful of content specifically designed to increase tension and fear.  Consider limiting your news resources to a few trustworthy options or even limiting the amount of time you allow yourself to access.

By fostering an awareness of the moment you are in.  This can be as simple as pausing to really focus on the task at hand or what you are about to do. Take a moment to only think about the air you are breathing in and out in your mask or the nature that surrounds you. Redirecting your focus to the now can not only decrease your concern about the future, but it can also help keep you safe. Next time you wash your hands really think about the way the water feels on your hands. Every Thursday our company takes a moment to practice mindfulness together. Check out our COVID-19 Resource Center for some examples of the techniques we utilize.

In closing, I would again like to thank you for keeping precautions and safety as top of mind in all that you do. Please be sure to take care of yourself and keep up the fight. Together we will get through this.

Posted On
December 2, 2020
Jonathan Etherington