Tina Bell


Being part of a company that is able to literally change lives, is perhaps one of the most rewarding aspects of my already-lucky life. I have traveled, lived in many places, and embraced all kinds of cultures – but little is more rewarding than having a sweet 90-year-old take your hand, look you steadily in the eye, and say “thank you for helping me stay in my home.

I’ve always enjoyed a simple life – an uncomplicated home, the joys of nature, outdoor experiences. But simplicity is something we are sometimes reduced to, with age. We are simply not able to make the choices we used to, either because they are not available to us, or we can’t remember what they are! Simple sentences are necessary for the world to understand us. Simple, easy, slow steps are the only way we can get around. Then, simply being alone isn’t always possible, and everything becomes overwhelming as we face having to move, meet new people, having to leave behind the one environment that always felt safe, was conducive to wellness.

At that point, Care Advantage comes in and makes things simple again. Simply, we send care. We match someone that needs with someone that gives, and in doing so, we return stability and peace to those that are struggling with the concept of change.

It is a privilege to be part of something so heartening, and to work with such an incredibly talented, devoted team of people who all share the same gratitude.