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5 Ways In-Home Care Services Can Boost Your Independence

An agency like Care Advantage can quickly answer most of the common questions about in-home care services, like: Is there home health care near me? What’s included in this kind of care? Is it worth the cost? Should I ask for companion care or personal care? But you may still be left with one nagging doubt:

Will home care assistance really help preserve my independence?

It’s natural to be skeptical. But once you fully appreciate the possibilities of in-home care, your caution may well turn to excitement. Here are five ways care at home can boost your independence.

You can stick to your routine, or mix it up for fun

Independence is about making your own life choices.  Are you a stickler for routine? Perhaps, rain or shine, you visit the farmer’s market on Tuesday and bake a cake on Thursday. Your home, your habits, your regular excursions and visits—help at home can make this possible.

Or, maybe your independent streak is more impulsive: you might call an old friend out of the blue or sign up to learn a new language  course on a whim. Maybe trying a brand-new restaurant or coffee shop is one of your favorite things to do. An in-home caregiver provides the logistical support and encouragement we all need as we forge our own paths.

You can stay active, healthy and energized

Throughout our lives, our sense of independence is integrally connected to how we feel in mind, body and spirit. Whole-self wellness is empowering, even for those with underlying health conditions. Many of these can be alleviated by a nutritious diet, regular exercise and a low-stress lifestyle.

With home care assistance, you’ll have someone to help with menu planning, physical fitness and medication schedules— someone who also understands that the occasional chocolate fudge brownie or movie binge night can be medicine for the soul.

You can make time for things that matter

No one ever wished they had more time to clean behind the refrigerator. Those dull household chores, after all, eat into the precious hours you have for activities you enjoy, whether pruning the roses or playing with your pets.

That’s why in-home care services like Care Advantage take a holistic approach, crafting a unique care plan that encompasses tasks such as housekeeping, basic personal needs and meal preparation. The more time you spend doing the things that bring you pleasure, the more independent you will feel.

You can enjoy “me time” again

When the solitary life stretches on without boundaries or interruptions, it can bring on loneliness. People of all generations have faced this fact in the age of social distancing.

Depending on your care plan, you may have a companion for just a short time per day—but that could be all you need to add some balance and variety to your routine. With that a few hours  of bustle and conversation just around the corner, you’ll rediscover the gifts of relative solitude.

You can stay in your community

Much of our sense of identity rests on the pleasure of being seen. Who doesn’t get a lift from walking into the local shop and being greeted by name? The clerks probably know what brands you prefer and how you like your bags packed, too.

It’s unsurprising, then, that a 2018 AARP poll found that 77 percent of people aged 50 and up wanted to stay in their communities. Some of the most rewarding experiences of in-home care happen outside the home, and a caregiver or companion can help you continue to play an active role in your community.

Posted On
February 15, 2021