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10 out of 10 Bonnie Kessler

Meet Bonnie Kessler, a Coordinator on our Client Services team. She joined our team in January of this year and is already an important part of our Care Family. As a Coordinator, Bonnie helps assess our clients’ needs and makes sure they get the care they deserve. We asked Bonnie to answer a few questions about herself and her role in the company. Take a few moments to get to know Bonnie a little bit better.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
Helping patients and/or their family members navigate the next steps in a difficult and stressful time. Knowing every day I help at least one person makes me love what I do.

What is one professional skill that you are working on?
Prioritizing and time-management.

What is one song you have completely memorized?
Every Taylor Swift song!

What’s your favorite TV guilty pleasure?
Watching old music videos on YouTube.

What’s your hidden talent?
I am extremely good at jump-roping. 

In ten words or less, what profession, other than your current, would you choose to do and why?
Travel agent - so I could travel the world!

What is a hobby that you would love to do?
Would love to learn how to sew and be good at it!

What is something (either professionally or personally) that you are proud of?
Received the top store manager award 3 out of 5 years working for Express.

If you could add one thing to the company office, what would it be?
Massage chairs.

In ten words or less, what is the best advice you were ever given?
Learn to stop and smell the roses.

Posted On
October 3, 2024
Bonnie Kessler